Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day +34 & 35, DNA Change, Nasal Tube Extubated and Catheter Removed

Yes, much is happening very quickly!

Last Thursdays DNA testing was performed and returned showing Clifs Blood DNA is 100% from our German donor!  As best as I can explain, Clifs new bone marrow, now creates new blood cells that are all the same as our donor.  His saliva, tissue and teeth however will remain the same as always.  So in a nutshell, you and I when we get a swab in the mouth cheek area, our dna will match up to our own blood.  Clif however will show 2 seperate dna's, one from saliva (revealing his old dna) and one from blood (revealing the donors dna).   Sorry if I am being very wordy here.

The nasal tube running down to his stomach was removed yesterday.  Clif passed the swallowing test late afternoon yesterday and has graduated to eating foods that are pureed.  Although his appetite is still very low because he has been and still is receiving TPN (nutrition in an iv line), he will be weaned from the TPN to bring his diet back to solid foods.  

Finally, the Urine Catheter has been removed this afternoon.  Challenging as it may be since Clif is unable to stand, relieving his bladder is our next hurdle.  Please pray everything works as it should.

Clif has been working with Physical Therapy to get him up on his feet.  Each day we see a little progress.  His room has been a swinging door of medical personnel of all types.  He counted in the night a total of 9 different people entering in between the hours of 8pm and 6am.  Yes, fabulous treatment, but you absolutely get no rest at this point.

He is still very weak and we very much covet your prayers!  God has been amazingly merciful in our last 4 months, and not a day goes by that we give thanks for all that we have!

“May those who delight in my vindication
shout for joy and gladness;
may they always say, “The LORD be exalted,
who delights in the well-being of his servant.”
My tongue will speak of your righteousness
and of your praises all day long.

Psalm 35:27-28


  1. Praying for perfect functioning and God's strength to fill and support and supply all that Clif needs as he recuperates!!!
    Found the description of the bone marrow fascinating!!

  2. Clif, It is so great to hear about this latest significant positive development along the journey. I Think about you and your family often and I am extremely proud of your determination and your family's tireless support! Your Friend, Tom Zylstra
