My Hope comes from Him. Psalm 62:5
Prayerfully, we are nearing the goal; to discharge soon. The last few days we have seen a healthier looking, sounding and feeling man!
Being uncertain of the next steps, there is a good possibility that Acute Rehab may be coming soon. That means Clif will possibly transfer from City of Hope to a place that he will stay to rehabilitate. The process of reversing the atrophy in the legs is taking longer than I would have ever thought. We are still working on getting up and down from the bedside. Yesterday, Clif was hoisted from a sitting position onto a chair that is made of thick PVC plastic pipes, durable and perfect for sitting and taking a shower. It's been about 50 days since he has had the luxury of taking a shower, another simple indulgence that put quite a smile on his face.
A metal hanging triangle was placed above his bed to allow him to use his arms to lift himself and sit up more freely. Yesterday, he was showing me his muscles that have developed in only a few days of having that installed. I highly recommend in a sitiuation where one is bed bound like Clif to have this installed, it will speed recovery and strength! You need upper body strength when getting up on your feet, to pull yourself up onto a walker. Core strength follows.
Clif is doing well! The Saran Wrap, was less evasive than thought. He still wears it, but in segmented places on the body, the places that need the most attention. But it has worked beautifully. His skin currently looks 20 years younger. Meds are reducing or exchanging from iv drip to pill form. The blood counts seem to fluctuate and platelets are still needed daily, another reason why a medical rehab facility may be in our future. Platelets can only be distributed by a medical facility, which might rule out at home physical therapy.
Clif has a great appetite and is eating and drinking all of his diet. He is regaining lost body weight and looking more stealth.
A field trip to Tustin, CA today for our sons graduation ceremony today was ruled out! The doctor was brutally honest with me and would not entertain any discussion of taking Clif offsite. Fortunately due to technology, it will be live streamed right to Clif's tv in his room.
Grateful for your prayers!