Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day +38, 39 & 40 Post Transplant, Rehab & Graft vs Host

Rehab is underway!  The upper body is coming around much faster than the lower, patience is required.  Physical Therapy which takes place diaily,  brings in 2 and sometimes 3 guys to work with Clif, since his leg and core strength are virtually gone, they lift him from bedside to standing.  Standing up in one position is taxing but we are seeing progress.

As Clifs body becomes more familiar with his new dna, or better said his donor dna  becomes more familiar with his body, not all is expected to be harmonious.  Graft vs Host (GVH) is the most frequently talked about symptom at this stage of the game.  GVH is expected yet it is unknown in how it will present itself.  Like any new relationship, the exciting newness of the dating phase has calmed a bit and now the reality of body chemistry accepting or rejecting is taking place.  

Clif started swelling on Friday and a rash immediately followed.  By Saturday he swelled up to such a degree that his eyes were barely opening.  Sunday showed some mild relief.  As these symptoms began, the counter effects of different drugs to treat symptoms also began.  This is GVH, so we are told.  The doctor said this is about the time when one will start seeing effects of the transplant.  

The orchestration of delicately balancing drugs and adding new drugs is here.  This is what City of Hope is known for, their ability to manage and navigate bone marrow post transplant medications.   Please be praying that their wisdom is equal to or better than the task ahead with Clifs current and possible future symptoms.

“Many, O LORD my God,
are the wonders† you have done.
The things you planned for us”

Psalm 40:5


  1. Aww Doreene, I believe that relief will come soon! We continue to pray for you, Clif and the kids. Happy graduation to Charlie! Quite a milestone. Sydney's almost a senior...WOW! Please know that we are all by your spirit.

  2. Praying for the old and new to graft together; after all, Jesus grafted us Gentiles into the olive tree!! May the Lord strengthen you all and encourage you through this!!
