Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day +284 Post Transplant, Post Super Bowl Weekend and Our Progress!

““Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

Psalm 46:10-11

It was Super Bowl Weekend last year when Clif began to feel very sick.  I remember the weekend well........He began his transition from 12 years with Myelofibrosis over to Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  A bone marrow transplant was coming and we knew it.  We had searched, traveled, prayed and prepared for decisions and days ahead.  The term; "Ignorance is Bliss" has become a clear rememberance of difficult days gone by.  Not Knowing the magnitude of medical difficulties can actually be a blessing.  Going through this last year of affliction has shed much insight & wisdom and ignorance is now not allowed at this stage of the game.  Our doctors, all excellent, have done their jobs with precision and perfection.  

Clifs current health status is; fluid around the heart, lungs and abdomen.  Weakness in the legs and very thin skin on the arms caused from increased steroids and low platelets.   (There are other minor things going on in his health, but we don't major in the minors here).

Since Clif went septic this past December 30th, he spent three weeks at City of Hope and the consequences of treating this infection are still hovering.  Close observation via CT and Ecco are performed frequently to monitior if fluids are reducing or increasing.  Doctors all believe it is a form of graft vs host (gvh) making an attack on the vascular system, again.   The increased steroids to heal the gvh are being weaned down.  Unfortunately, the steroid use has stolen even more strength from his already fragile muscular system.   Clif has been receiviing more platelets and blood due to this event and we are grateful for so many of you who have recently come back to donate, again.

Much has happened and thankfully much has passed. Difficulty days still remain but we are pressing on.   

Thank you for continuing to pray for all of us!

Blessings and Happy New Year, 

Clif, Doreene, Charlie, Sydney, and William