Good Morning,
The last few days have had there ups and downs. The theory in medicine here is to project the next move before the play is made. There is no waiting, if they suspect something might be brewing they move before the volcano erupts. It is quite encouraging. Clif is holding on, bravely and with good color. He is responsive when asked to wiggle his toes or if he has pain. He recognizes me and knods his head or squeezes my hand to answer my questions. He is critically stable.
Clinical Update;
WBC 4.8, HGB 9.3, PLT 15
Fever maxed at 38 or 100.8
Heart rate is in the 110-120 range
They are giving him extra fluids but not taking extra fluids off him.
Gave him some extra pain meds in the night, felt he was breathing faster. The nurse said his eyes were wide open and alert so she increased his sedation from 5 to 6. He is at .60 on the fentanyl.
Emotional Update;
We went into this knowing great difficulty awaited us. Clif is in the valley of this entire affliction. Keeping him encouraged is my job; praying, reading and singing & listening to music, reiterating over and over where he is, the day of transplant he has achieved, his vitals and all the good things to remind him to continue to fight the good fight!
It has been 8 days today that he has been on intubation and 7 days of dialysis.
The kids have been a great source of strength for me. They intercede in daily living needs along with the droves of friends and family who have brought dinners and snacks throughout the months.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14 (Day 19)
WOW, Doreene, you are such an amazing inspiration! You have taken "in sickness and in health" to a whole new level. On this glorious Sunday our prayers are that our friend Clif will continue the good fight, his body will continue to battle, and the strong woman by his bedside will be strengthened and encouraged by His Holy Spirit! We love you both and are praying mightily for some comfort and healing.
ReplyDeleteAnd the meditation of your heart IS pleasing in His sight! Thanks for bringing us up-to-date and keeping us focused in prayer and praise!
ReplyDeleteLove to you! Check out blessing 19 too... :)
Praying, praying, praying... and may God hold you up with his gracious strong arms, when you are tired and weary, and need Him most. May this valley soon blossom into spring with the bone marrow stem cells continuing to sprout and grow in WBC's plentiful. Love you dearly