Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Because We're Happy Happy Happy!

Much good news has transpired this week!

Since the needle biopsy last Wednesday on Clifs lung, doctors introduced  new effective drugs to treat the unwelcome visitor; Aspergillus.  Fortunately, the meds are working great!  A CT scan was performed again yesterday and the findings have shown positive results.

Clif's lung is healing well, so well that we are going to TRANSPLANT as previously scheduled.  This Sunday, April 20th a new chemo treatment will begin.  This time its purpose is to condition his body for the new stem cells that will be placed on or about April 28th.  Please be praying for our donor, (our 28 year old, male, 10+ match, German donor) for his health, his continued willingness, that the stem cells they collect are sufficient and they only need one collection (sometimes they need more if the recipient is a bigger guy, like Clif) and for blessings to be heaped into his life.  His sacrifice is a treasure to us, we hope to meet him someday soon on the other-side of this transplant. By the way, every year City of Hope hosts an annual celebration where donors are introduced to recipients for the first time once the required wait time has matured.  That date this year is May 9th.  I hear it is an amazingly emotional event!

Today, we said goodbye to the 4th floor and the many nurses who have become very dear to our hearts but we now say hello to the 6th floor!   If I remember correctly, they can take up to 35 transplant patients at a time, and they are always at full capacity!  In the waiting areas over the past 75 days, I have met medical travelers seeking treatment from Dubai, Afghanistan, Mexico, Israel, Canada and Egypt.  Serious stuff takes place here and the long time nursing staff are well prepared for the variety of concerns that take place during and after transplant.

Visits to see Clif will virtually come to a stand still once the stem cells are in place after April 28th for a few weeks.  During this time, the orchestration of drugs and remedies really begins.  Daily blood draws reflecting high and low counts and addressing each one independently will start.  The art of careful observation by experienced eyes will occur throughout the initial few weeks.  Fervent prayer for Clifs body to welcome his new German companion are our plea.

Every person responds differently to stem cell transplant, some have little problems while others have great struggles.  We have left this in The Lords capable hands!

Please click on the attached video From; DOREENE FINCHER! Click to View Or copy and paste this URL in your browser:


  1. AWESOME news, you two! So incredibly happy for this report. He is risen indeed, hallelujah!

  2. WOW!! SO thankful and continuing in prayer and praise!!!
